Sunday, May 14, 2017

Thoughts on Mod3

While I am certain that I want to work more in the medical/health side of bioengineering in my future, I liked Mod3. I'm having trouble coming up with a cohesive way to express what I have to say, so here’s a list of thoughts about Mod3:

- Having something tangible to take home made me feel like a real engineer. I haven’t used a breadboard since high school physics class, so it will be fun to play around with my battery and create circuits once finals are over. I’m excited to make a battery holder too!

- Professor Belcher is so cool. I enjoyed hearing about her experiences in grad school and with the President! It’s really humbling to talk with someone who has accomplished so much and has so many cool ideas. Her enthusiasm for BE and for learning in general is awesome!

- It felt nice when everything started winding down. The homework assignments in Mod3 felt a lot more doable than homework in Mod1 and Mod2. I think it’s mostly because these assignments were done with a partner, but also partially that I feel more comfortable with what is expected of me in this class. 

- I liked the adventures/mini field trips to the Koch. It was nice to have a change of scenery (and a huge change in the kinds of things we were doing too!)

- The research proposal has probably been my favorite assignment for 109 because I was able to see how far we all have come from just the beginning of the semester. I didn’t think that I would be able to come up with a project idea when I first saw this assignment! While it was difficult, it was doable with a lot of research. I felt really proud of our idea when we presented!

- Presenting for the research proposal also felt a lot better than presenting for journal club. Although I was still really nervous, I was able to power through it and not forget anything major. I think this was partially because I only had to speak for 6 minutes but also that Damon spoke first so I didn’t feel as nervous standing in front of the room when it came to my time to speak. Journal club was good practice for this presentation.

- It was really amazing to see the ideas that all my classmates came up with! It’s really humbling to think that all of these people are the next generation of scientists who will come up with novel ways to solve problems and create treatments for diseases. Everyone is so smart and has great ideas! Hearing my classmates’ presentations made me really excited for the future of bioengineering!
Good job everyone!

- I was also thinking about the time scale for these projects. It took us a few weeks to come up with an idea, but imagine how long it would take to carry out all of these experiments and how much money it would cost! Also, if something doesn’t go as planned or if the idea doesn’t end up working out, you’ll at least have learned something, but that’s a lot of time and money! I guess it was just a reminder that even though these projects are so cool and my classmates are so smart, there’s a reason that we don’t have a cure to every disease yet.

It doesn’t feel like 20.109 should be over—I’m finally starting to feel a little bit like I know what I’m doing now, so this should just be the beginning, right?!

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