Thursday, May 11, 2017

"HUMBLE." -Kendrick Lamar

As I sat listening to the proposal presentations today, I was enamored with a feeling that I am constantly reminded of here: overwhelming humbleness. I was again reminded that I am surrounded by absolutely brilliant people with incredible ideas. Specifically, for those few hours today, I could see everything we learned not only in 20.109, but also many other classes I have taken at MIT culminated into one afternoon. 

It is hard to believe that we only had a couple weeks to come up with a novel biological engineering idea and detailed methods about how we were going to implement the experiments to further knowledge in a field. Regardless, at least from where I was sitting, my peers had done an insane amount of research to develop a plausible-sounding idea and steps to make a conclusion. While I was impressed by the novel ideas people had come up with, I was also reminded that there are endless problems in biological engineering that need minds like my peers to solve them! 

Of course, focusing on our presentation specifically, I was very proud of what Jessica and I had come up with. At first, I was insanely overwhelmed by the tons of topics we could choose from. However, we were able to settle on HIV therapeutics, something both of us were very interested in once we started our research. The hardest part wasn’t where we wanted to take our project, but more the little details of what exact experiment to measure what considering our limited knowledge background in the field. Doing basic research about specific assays and techniques and then talking to the 20.109 staff allowed us to gain the insight we needed to put all the pieces together. I am excited about what Jessica and I put together, and it will be interesting to see where other researchers take similar ideas. All in all, it was so cool to see what other people came up with, stimulating my interest in a number of other areas of biological engineering!

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