Sunday, April 23, 2017

What just happened?!

That. Was. Emotional.

It truly was.

I finished my research article about an hour ago (late day), and I am still reflecting about what just happened. Writing the Module 2 Research Article was a transformative experience. Like, I am a new person. I want to say I am exaggerating...but I'm kinda not. To say that I just wrote a 13-paged research article...honestly, I don't believed I just typed that, let alone say out loud... powerful.

I am 100% sure that I felt every single emotion writing the Module 2 research article. Not gonna lie, at first I was scared. The first day the research article was assigned, I remember Maxine saying that it should be anywhere were 12 to14 pages, and I was like ....

But I couldn't have that mindset for long because, well you know, I had to actually write the Research Article. Next, I was "chillin," just working along, doing the homeworks (which were very helpful in completing the Module 2 Research Article),  and I as like "wow, this is great." 

Then next thing you know, I had midterms left and right, extracirruclars starting ramping up, and everything was happening all at once. Nothing really going my way. My nice, relaxed, we are doing this mindset, QUICKLY changed. I thought to myself, "OMGOMGOMGOMG. HOW IS THIS GETTING DONE? WHAT AM I DOING? SHOULD I BE COURSE 20? WHY AM I GOING TO THIS SCHOOL? WHO AM I?" (yes, it really did escalate that quickly)

After a good night's rest, I was back. I was determined. I was focused. And I was finishing up today, I kept thinking, "Wow. I am such a scholar." (which I thought so humbly - just to note).

And then I was done. Over. Finished. Complete. The 20.109 Module 2 Research Article is hands down the longest thing I have ever written. It is so amazing to put in that kind of work a, and really understand what you are doing.



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