This research article was probably one of the most difficult writing assignments I have had to date. I cannot remember a time when I spent so much time looking over every little detail possible in a paper. From figuring out how to make a decent title, to figuring out how our data made sense, to syntax and formatting, I was definitely pushed in this assignment. Nevertheless, I think I am quite satisfied with the results.
Looking back at the Mod 2 paper I think the idea that we had no revisions and no partner to help us out made the assignment seem very real. You had to figure out how everything worked and how it would be presented, and you didn't really have anyone to look over your shoulder and tell you you made a mistake. I think given that as we go through our career as biologists this will become more and more our reality, I believe that it was very necessary to make this jump and I believe it made for a very interesting assignment.
All in all, I am tired haha. It was a good assignment and I feel like I learned a lot about how papers are written. I now have a much greater respect for every figure I see in a paper I may be reading, but for I think I am going to go take a nap :P
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