Thank you, teaching staff. The course was incredible. I'm sure that the combination of resources, instruction, project choice, and professor availability is unique to 20.109 at MIT. It's the best class I've taken here, and almost every class I've taken here has blown me away.
Regarding Mod 3!
The battery project was really cool. I'm looking forward to doing my mini-report in the last two days as a sort of victory lab of having completed the course. I'm most definitely showing off my "virus-powered battery" to my parents when I get home.
Regarding the Pitch project...
In a lot of ways, I wish I would've had that one back. I'm glad it's behind me, but I'm also glad I did it. In a lot of ways, I bit off more than I could chew. Sort of like when you have a guys night out and you all decide in a moment of poor judgement that you could save money by ordering the one-pound burger that's free if you can finish it. We have one of those at he is:
I've failed to eat that guy 3 times now. Also felt like I failed to digest this project. I was proud that Henry and I really took a new direction, as it was tempting to simply pick one of our studies and design some "next steps." But we didn't have enough time to digest (no gross pun intended) the number of complications associated with our ideas, and in the end, I felt stuck with an idea I could never carry out.
That being said, I am ever more amazed by viruses. Even realizing what they can't do gets me excited. You would never guess that this guy:
is a master of innovation. I also never would've guessed I could have such a positive experience working on such a stressful class with a partner. Henry was great. So was every group we had exchanges with during the semester.
And the good news? I do get another shot at this!'re going down.

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