Yet, watching everyone's presentations made me feel incredibly proud of how far not only I, but our whole class, had come. We had entered 109 on so many different levels, not entirely aware of how to write about or talk about research. And here we are exiting, presenting on the very ideas that we had come up with on our own. It was all very impressive.
That being said, if I had started working on the research proposal on the first day of class- I still think I would not have felt entirely prepared. There was endless background research I could have read. Every time my partner and I came across one small detail, we googled it, only to find at least five more articles discussing that one topic. I suppose that was the idea though- to show us that these research proposals, and research proposals in general, can be your lifetime research. And they often are (shoutout to PhDs!)
As far as Module 3 goes, it was so cool to see something I would never seen otherwise. I don't see myself as a battery type-o-gal. I could barely get my circuit going without frying my LED. But making my own battery? That's cool. It's something tangible that I could show my friends, and my parents. (I gave my battery to my mom for mother's day.. she was only slightly amused).
I also really appreciated getting to see other work spaces. Seeing the TEM in the Koch was really, really cool. And seeing single gold atoms? Amazing.
All in all, Module 3 seemed to be the perfect ending to a difficult, but rewarding semester. It was the perfect amount of flair, time management, and challenge to be the cherry on top of 20.109.
Oh, I will miss this class.

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